Getting back your male pride with Viagra

The male erection is an important thing. To many people, it is the symbol which establishes the male sex. The male pride. Many men who are unable to sport or maintain an erection suffer bouts of depression. Men with this condition not only are unable to enjoy the delights of sexual activity, they are also unable to naturally reproduce.

And so when Pfizer announced to the world at the close of the last century that they had found a cure to male impotence, the world was seized with a wide wave of delight. This is because impotency as a condition was not exactly an uncommon occurrence. As many as 10% of the male demographic are found to experience varying degrees of erectile dysfunction. With the emergence of Viagra relief was provided for them.

Many people are familiar with the lore of Viagra. The fabled pill that is said to cure impotence. But not many people realize just how effective and true it is. Viagra is no myth. Its high record of success has resulted in millions of men losing their impotency. Whilst erectile dysfunction (the medical term give to weak or absent erection) is a common afflictions amongst men over the age of 60, it can also be found in younger men.

Erectile frailty is caused primarily as a result of the failure of the male sexual organ to retain blood. The sponge like tissue of the penis become engorged with the increased flow and retention of blood when stimulated and this engorgement is what causes the erection effect.

Viagra, a drug which contains the causative agent Sildenafil Citrate, easily addresses these areas. The effect of Viagra in the body causes increased blood flow which in turn lowers tension levels and significantly improves the results of an erection. Viagra achieves this by increasing the effects of Nitric Oxide. Nitric Oxide is a muscle relaxant that is produced during sexual activity. This causes the arteries to allow more blood flow and thus improving the results of an erection.

A unique advantage of Viagra is not only the fact that it addresses the physical causes of erectile dysfunction, it also to some extent helps in negating the psychological causes. Stress and tension are two of the common psychological causes behind male impotency. By ensuring that more effective blood flow occurs in the body, men who are affected by stress levels can sometimes find relief which in turn improves their erection.

The advantage of online pharmacies are many. First of all because they can be reached at any time, they are an extremely convenient way of buying your Viagra tablets. You will not need to actively walk into a store but can simply order one from the comforts of your home. The second advantage to an online store is that because of their lack of a physical front-i.e. no mortar or bricks, they have lower overheads to pay for or maintain. This translates into reduced cost and charges.

Viagra is found to result in very little side effects. However it is important that you do not overdose on the pill. Doing this will not give you a longer lasting orgasm as is commonly claimed. It also will not make you younger. Pfizer might make a pill that addresses these areas someday, but for now they have conquered impotency.